Friday, January 28, 2011

The Pantages

by Matt
As the night of my week approached I was at a complete loss for what to do.  I did not have anything looming over my head so I was struggling to think of something.  I had already planned on going to see Hair at The Pantages and figured why not include greatness group.  I, of course, had a wonderful, inspiring beautiful evening.  I also left thinking that not much greatness was accomplished.  I had fun and I know the rest of the group did, but I left judging my choice.   It should have moved me forward, I should have had some breakthrough - really the list goes on and on.  

The following week I was in a yoga class and the teacher read a passage from a book.  Something really clicked for me. The activities in greatness group are not the point.  Yes, they can be huge life changing experiences and meaningful but, no matter what, they will always be great.  They will always be great because we have come together as a group and declared them to be.  Being committed to something bigger than yourself - being committed to someone else winning - is greatness.